Sunday, July 23, 2006

hey everyone!
SO summer is officially underway, and i decided that it may be time for me to update my blog. YEs Yes i have been neglecting it, oops ive just been busy. ALOTTTT has happened since i last updated, some for the better, some for the worst but we deal and move on. SO basically my summer has beeen amazing!!! FIlled of parties, hanging out with friends, trips to the mall, getting stuck in the rain, walks down 106/25A and of course chilling in the best town on earth H-TOWN!!! woo hoo! I never want it to end....

This weekend my parents went away to the Hamptons with out us kiddies so i spent the weekend with my second family
The Echeverrias.
I met Christina in OB on Friday night at Vaction Bible school. That is where it is at. Then we walked to Taby's and ate dinner with Hannah and had a few laughs, then we felt like Ice Cream ventured down to Carvel and met our love JOEY. Then Christina and i went home and watched movies, sat online the usual stayed up till way into the morning because she is an insomniac

we woke up at 1, we were going to go to Wantagh pool to meet up with cooper and steve but it was raining so we walked down 106 instead to go rent movies at blockbuster. After spending about an hour in blockbust we decided to go visit joey at carvel and walked all the way down to OB town. IT was a far walk so to occupy the time we took many a pictures. Then later that night cooper and steve came over, we chilled and watched a movie and then they left around 12. Like always we stayed uptill 5 watching simon birch i cried. lol it was sad ::tear::


woke up at 2...yes getting good at this waking up late
then we decided to walk to house of pancakes
yay another trip down the road
picked up joey at his house
walked and got pancakes
toook more pictures!!!
came home
and now here i am......
probably going to a block party tonight
chilling with cooper and steve again
we shall see

morally confused [ 5:05 PM ]


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